Visit of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies representatives to the Red Cross of Serbia

Aug 20, 2018

On Wednesday 18 July 2018 the Red Cross of Serbia was visited by Dr Emanuele Capobianco, Head of Health, IFRC Geneva, Dr Davron Mukhamadiev, Regional Health and Care Coordinator and Dr Jeyathasan Kulasingam Health, Care and Migration response delegate in the Regional Office for Europe in Budapest. The objective of the visit was to learn more about the work of the Red Cross of Serbia related to health prevention programmes, psychosocial support to migrants and programmes focusing on ageing and older people.

Among other topics a discussion was held about psychosocial support to migrants. There are plans for systematic data collection and monitoring of wellbeing of migrants receiving Red Cross support.

In addition to a presentation of different activities, a visit to the migrant centre in Subotica, a city in the autonomous province of Vojvodina, was also organised for the guests.

The guests could confirm that the Red Cross of Serbia devotes special attention to health prevention activities in all their programmes, targeting citizens of both sexes, regardless of their age, but also that the Red Cross of Serbia managed to build international recognition in the area of dignified and healthy ageing. The work of the Red Cross of Serbia with migrants is notable for its psychosocial support component with the National Society aiming to ensure well designed, precisely targeted and adequate support for different categories of beneficiaries through developing tools for measuring impact and constant assessment of efficacy of services. The tools developed through PFA-CE project are therefore very useful and can find their application in the work in migrant centres done by the Red Cross of Serbia.